Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100616

Mmmm…cupcakes. I didn’t know they came with an Excel topping. Maybe they’re just in Australia though.

  • My new spreadsheet is a work of art. Pivot Tables and everything. With great excel power comes great excel responsibility.
  • OK. That’s it. I’ve been fighting with Excel all effing day and I’ve had it. Just gonna go sit in my boss’s office until he sends me home.
  • Why does using Excel always induce profanity? Why can’t things just work like they do in Numbers? Why, internet, why?
  • I need to make an excel spreadsheet of drink specials and hours of happy for this summer.
  • So sad I’ve never tried using a pivot table before. They is awesome
  • Just found a spreadsheet from 2000 when I was tracking Gas in my 1994 VW Golf, gas was $1.25/gallon
  • The idiot that set up this MS Excel spreadsheet and swears the formulas are right even though they’re not #qualifiedtocoachLeBronJames
  • our job is to build bridges, which many times are made out of excel cells. how true. #e2conf-6
  • Why does my boss always come up with the most asinine excel graphs 5 minutes before his meetings?
  • Excel Pivot Tables are really neat and powerful, and a confusing PITA if you don’t work with them frequently.
  • The only way to have fun with Excel would be to print out the source code and use all that paper to make artificial snow.
  • Taping together a 55page spreadsheet I authored for work. Need more tape.
  • The problem with Excel is I keep thinking of exciting figures I can generate with it instead of doing what I meant to do in the 1st place!
  • Have been working at breakneck speed for a deadline that was wrong…b/c I can’t read my own excel spreadsheet! #organizationalfail
  • So sad I’m not eating a spreadsheet cupcake right now. People in Sydney, go get one for me @ Martin Place. #officemayor http://twitpic.com/1wvt2v
  • You work a messy, multi-step Excel miracle for B; B then wants you to explain it so "I can tell others how I did it." Waay over B’s head…
  • how do i explain to my boss that the goat took my spreadsheet?… 🙁
  • I use a flip chart more frequently than I use excel. It is my main business tool!


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