Excel Twitter 20100630
Yikes! Where did June go? It must have disappeared while I was working on my spreadsheet face and box plots.
- Can’t sleep; working on a spreadsheet. Not to be lame, but it’s kind of a work of art.. Yeah, that was lame.
- Anyone know of a better method for adding a benchmark line in Excel, or is this the best? http://bit.ly/cNeJll
- So today I resign, tomorrow I attend an excel course at work. I’ll certainly be putting my improved excel skills to work.. somewhere else.
- I’ve got "All Along the Watchtower" in my ears and Microsoft Excel loaded. Pumped up to tackle this spreadsheet! đ
- Someone needs to invent an dropdown list for the sheets in an excel worksheet.
- Excel, I love you but you’re bringing me down. #naturaldisasters
- But when I jumped up extra hyped after that goal I may have given myself away. Maybe they think I just really love Excel.
- As delightful as this spreadsheet is, I should probably be getting some sleep.
- excel spreadsheet, a decent stopwatch, google earth to work out distance and thats it for me.
- I’m going to cut my wrist with a pivot table and hope the blood congeals into the chart I’ve been trying to create for 2 hours. #ih8excel
- Just because you can do pivot tables, doesn’t mean you need to use them for everything you do in Excel and create an 8mb doc!
- Been practicing my pivot table skills so I can teach a friend all I know (shouldn’t take too long!). đ
- Adam found "Awesome quick formatting of chart elements in Excel 2010" http://is.gd/d8lZ4 Almost as good as 2003’s tearaway palettes.
- puzzeling over how to get top 5 and bottom 5 in the same pivot table with rank or choose or something anything! #Excel
- Oh no! Just been told I have "spreadsheet face". The wind better not change, or I’m done for…
- I am printing my expenses spreadsheet. The printer thinks it has 61682 pages. I bloody hope not; I’ve only got a ream.
- I think Excel should be able to make box plots without resorting to crazy work arounds.
- Geekish I know, but I’m loving Pivot Slicers in Excel right now, and don’t even get me started on PowerPivot!
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