Excel Humor

20100710 Excel Twitter

Have you run into that Firefox problem, when trying to download from the Microsoft site? I can’t count the times it’s happened to me!

  • What a day! 9am to 5pm in one place….all I saw were slides and excel sheets!
  • It’s the one skill I kept from those days. Did you know you can add drop shadows to Excel charts?
  • tried to download an excel template from Microsoft, foolishly forgetting that I was using Firefox, so of course download didn’t work
  • Why there isn’t any single universal programming language!!! Took almost 12 hours to migrate one code snippet from Excel VBA to SQL Server..
  • If u work in a stupid office u should know how to use stupid excel, I don’t care how old you are or what u do.
  • Working on data visuals ("cartoons," as my boss calls it), i.e. charts & graphs, for a presentation. My unfamiliarity w/ Excel is astounding
  • Dear menu writers: prices like 24.0 don’t impress me. They make me think you don’t know how to work Excel.
  • Exactly!! We can’t afford something super intense like Visio, but I am getting tired of trying to force Excel to do stuff like this
  • Damn. Friends are using Google to figure out the math quiz excel sheet I sent. STUPID CHEATERS! 😛
  • Why do the Excel default colours make my spreadsheet look like Blanche’s house in The Golden Girls?
  • am I a nerd for enjoying building Pivot Tables in Excel?
  • My dad gets Excel jumping through hoops. Me? I get it raising its eyebrow and notifying me that I’m stupid. *Sobs!*
  • Microsoft Excel: the methodical way to analyse your enemies.


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