Excel Twitter 20101023
Spreadsheets…the stuff of dreams and nightmares. And I’m sure it would make better television than most of the stuff that’s on.
- I grok Excel. Really, I do. Except charts. What is it about you, charts, that make my mind mush?
- My day is henceforth a tangled miasma of spreadsheet-based nightmares. The horror, the horror. Will check back later to restore (?) sanity.
- Live big-screen #Excel pivot table action! You don’t get that every day. #media140
- I’ve been staring at this excel spreadsheet for 30 minutes trying to figure out how to attack it…
- I have been looking at an excel spreadsheet for a better part of the past 2 days. It is slowly killing my spirit.
- why doesn’t excel do what I WANT it to do instead of what it thinks I want? ARGH!
- I’m tired! Same Excel Worksheet everyday! Damn you, Microsoft Excel! Why must you be so crashy and slow?
- Thank you. If my excel work was on tv people would watch it instead of the Giants
- Killing me softly with #Excel. #corporateamerica
- I take back everything bad I ever said about the new Excel. The charts are so much easier. Thank you Excel for not giving me a headache.
- I dreamed dreams of pastel excel charts that started moving to the beat of my alarm song this morning-can that be real life? I’m bored.
- I eat excel files for breakfast. Still wanna date me? Pft.
- Somehow my mom makes charts in excel look like this. http://yfrog.com/77nm9p
- Pivot table Friday…. I actually have an intense, platonic affection for pivot tables
- Is there a simple way to convert a basic Excel worksheet into a desktop widget?
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