Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101104

image If your boss went to celebrate at the Giants parade, leaving you with an Excel file that’s due by noon, try eating some chocolate. It might not help, but can’t hurt!

  • Trying to teach yourself Excel in order to create a spreadsheet due by noon is NOT the bizness!!! Dayumn!
  • someone teach me how to do a spreadsheet please. #fb
  • Accountant knowledge does not equate to being able to write code. Please stop with the beastly Excel Macros! #StuckInHardcodedHell
  • I love making excel spreadsheets! It makes me feel clever 😛
  • Making an Excel spreadsheet of my symptoms for my Friday dr. appointment. I WANTED to use a Venn Diagram, but couldn’t make it work.
  • WTF!!! I’m about to take a nap when my boss called at 6:25pm asking me how to insert a column in excel!! And now I can’t sleep
  • The line chart in excel is useless. Use xy scatter. The sooner a student learns this the better off they will be.
  • I enjoy going to work….mainly because I get to work with excel puzzles.
  • Tricks for ’07 users! In Excel , make a line chart. Now try to switch the X and Y axises. It’s not nearly as easy as you’d think!
  • I’m not going to get through this spreadsheet without chocolate. It’s THAT bad.
  • no, no, no… you have to let Excel know you’re the boss. Excel already has an attitude, don’t make it worse.
  • Normally I love Excel but today it’s just ticking me off. There’s no reason why it should crash every time I click on a chart!!
  • big #Fail shuout to my boss for going to the #SFGiants parade tomorrow and leave me to do the excel report 🙁
  • The Pivot Table of Horrors? Wasn’t that a film?
  • Learnt how to use vlookup in excel today! What was that about old dogs and new tricks? Might try pivot tables soon!
  • I’m playing "Duck Duck Duck Goose" with Excel worksheet names. Seems someone misnamed a worksheet and has caused my entire script to crash.
  • I have an excel spreadsheet called the ‘Nixon list’ – how cool is that? #itsworkrelated #canttalkaboutit
  • Excel is also a loaded term. I guess "Lag behind as you become mired in spreadsheet hell" was taken.
  • Excel is behaving today as if it is high on weed. :/


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