Excel Twitter 20110215
There was a lot of love for Excel in yesterday’s Valentine tweets. And a few people who didn’t seem to love Excel too much. The rum raisin ice cream should help, or a spreadsheet full of cocktails.
- I’ll be listening to Michael Buble for the rest of the night… he’s my valentine.. him, my mac and this expense input spreadsheet! #nice
- I don’t care what anyone thinks any more…I love excel spreadsheets! There I said it.
- maaaaaannn..it took me about a month to complete this spreadsheet project…just for them to turnaround and want me to add more to it :-\
- It’s #excel day today. Taking a break from making presentations. What exactly was my job profile when I joined this company? 😛
- Sometimes you just gotta learn to say no 😉 #VBA #Excel
- Thanks excel for ruining an entire hours worth of work in a mere second… fantastic day already
- Night class after four hours of excel work is literally sucking the life out of me.
- If it’s the last thing I do today, I’m going to remember how to use this IF-THEN formula on #excel. I’m going to get it
- Anyone know how I an default my pivot table data to Sum rather than Count? #tweetsthatwilllosefollowersquickly
- I could maybe not be more proud of anything right now than I am of this Excel spreadsheet I just created. #iamanerd
- Seriously considering signing up for an Excel financial modeling class. On a Saturday. This is truly a new low in my geek-dom.
- I miss Rum Raisin Ice Cream & Milk Shake. Next time ,working w/ this super torturing Excel Workbook should be accompanied by one of those ?
- Management Tip of the Day: There is no spreadsheet that cannot be made to tell the lie you want.
- Auditor: oh excel, I love you. You can count difficult numbers by yourself. So independent. So sexy.
- the debate about the budget makes me think our politicians never learned excel b/c simple accounting would be a major problem solver here.
- Consolidated to-do lists into #excel list sortable by type, priority, deadline, description haha. Why didnt I think of this before haha #in
- Dear @Microsoft Please return print production people to your #Excel team. Default 3D finishes on graphs look like printing errors
- You should make a spreadsheet of all the cocktails you drink.
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