Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170203

Does Excel make you feel calm, or does it give you nightmares? Can it solve every problem, or is it a constant struggle? Does it give you a wave of pleasure, or feelings of deep shame? Answer when you’re ready.

That wave of pleasure when your pivot table works http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • All I’ve done at work this morning is be bad at math and struggle with Excel.
  • Friendly reminder; save often. Excel just locked up and I lost the last 20 minutes of work…have to start over. EVERYTHING IS FINE.
  • Why do people think excel is the solution to every problem? Why?? *facetable* x.x
  • Nothing calms me like organizing my life and work into a series of Excel spreadsheets. #producerlife
  • Excel macros- can be crafty little monkeys. But I can be an even craftier little monkey. It looked like a morning’s work- it took 4 mins.
  • Bro-in-law & me have been trying to work out an all singing n dancing formula with several variables for excel. Need to have a lie down! Lol
  • Tfw you have a multi-step problem in Excel and then the Internet helps you figure each step out >>>>>
  • i did not go to college for four years TO DO WORK ON EXCEL
  • I wonder how long it will be before I have to explain to a teenager why the excel file of phone numbers at work is named Rolodex
  • stupid excel formula you thought you were gonna beat me?!?!?
  • The VBA work I am doing on this Excel form makes me feel deep shame. No comments. Pages of arcane nested IF statements instead of calls.
  • Disappointed to learn that Excel’s pivot tables are case insensitive
  • I messed this damn excel sheet up at work but it’s okay because I’m going to fix it because I’m smart
  • Excel documents will now be in my nightmares tonight. Thank you work.
  • What do you call that wave of pleasure & relief that washes over you when your pivot table comes out perfectly?

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















That wave of pleasure when your pivot table works http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

love you, mean it, Mama J, Tanya, Michelle Wheeler, John Connolly, Jo McHugh, Trung, gabriella, OP ONER, Ale, mysticjuicer, Jeff Froustet, Maya ♥, Maria Buday, trời đất ơi



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