Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170210

Does Excel make you whine, or can it turn water into wine? If you’re not sure how to do that, ask one of the office dogs. Or, Google might know, if you can figure out how to ask.

If it fits in Excel it’s not big data http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • One persons Excel problem is everyone’s Excel problem.
  • an entire day of work drama because someone didn’t update one cell on an excel spreadsheet
  • When you find an Excel shortcut that will literally save you a week’s worth of work
  • If it fits in an Excel workbook, it’s definitely not “Big Data”. If it manages to crash Notepad, you might be looking at big data.
  • When you spend an hour and half doing a stat problem then realize you could have (and were supposed to) do it in 3 clicks on Excel…
  • I never knew what stupidity truly felt like until I tried to make pivot tables in excel
  • When your classmate shows up to work on your finance project without excel
  • I have a dream, that one day Excel won’t accost me with a million dialogs when saving a simple, stupid CSV.
  • You know you’ve been working with developers too long when your latest Excel model doesn’t work and you want to report it as a bug
  • I can always google my way through any excel problem but right now im having a hard time coming up with the question. .-.
  • You know you’re a teacher when you can’t wait to color code your data in an Excel sheet! #LISDCIC #GET2PHE
  • The most exciting part of work today was creating an excel sheet for my monthly expenses on my lunch hour. And y’all say I don’t look 25
  • Did I tell you how I spent 2 hours of my work day today creating pixel art in Excel? Because I did.
  • We’re trialling a “dogs in the office” policy this week at work. My dog is coming in tomorrow. I sure hope her Excel skills are on point
  • I did one excel project for my former boss and he really thinks I can turn water into wine.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.
















If it fits in Excel it’s not big data http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Magnanimous Jeff, Emerald D.V., Dylan Hayden, Cloud Cray, cara, gail the snail, Brendan Greene, (((code merchant))), Chris Henrick, jenny, Kimm Ramirez, hayleyyjay, Eden Chazard, Andy Thompson, Dawnie



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