Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110225

image What is your guilty secret? Do you find Excel spreadsheets aesthetically pleasing? What about spring themed spreadsheets?

  • With a couple of key strokes a co-worker made everything on his spreadsheet disappear! He discovered the excel Dim Mak http://bit.ly/eK8HUx
  • If only I knew how "ROUND", "SUM", "IF" "AND" and "ROW" made it work. And why my chart looks nothing like the example #excel #fail
  • that CFO called a spreadsheet "aesthetically pleasing." either he doesn’t know what that means or actually thinks excel is lovely. #scary
  • I’m making a spring themed excel spreadsheet. : )
  • I started opening this pivot table six minutes ago.
  • My work computer (the first PC I’ve used in a decade) just announced MS Excel was restarting. Interesting…Excel wasn’t open to begin with
  • I’ve just seen a spreadsheet, of which appears to have images embedded in it, of excel spreadsheets.
  • I need to find a reason to make a pivot table. #ExcelLoveAffair
  • hey, but I got MS office pro for $10 thru my work! Having real Excel will make me happy. I tried Numbers and I was sad.
  • Excel isn’t the only program out there that can produce charts, you know! πŸ˜‰
  • Sorting out who gets the next batch of robots. This spreadsheet has saved my ass!
  • Just waiting for the person who is TRACKING things on the EXCEL spreadsheet to RETURN to her desk. *plays some music*
  • Working from home has been a success today! Except this Excel work is going to drive me insane… #DoctorWhoMarathon
  • Just deleted forty min worth of work on excel in error #timeforbed
  • god that excel training was boring…and has given me a headache! i shall be dreaming about pie charts and the ‘IF’ function tonight…
  • Dad just asked for an excel spreadsheet breaking down the costs of Grad Fair next week. #nerdalert
  • I have a genuine love for Microsoft Excel…there you are.,my geeky guilty secret is out!
  • I’ve busted into the Excel spreadsheet. Give me about 30 minutes and then send the dogs.


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