Excel Twitter 20110305
Some Excel files look a bit cheesy, but I didn’t know that a specific variety of cheese caused problems. Maybe the Emmental creates holes in the data.
- My boss told me to make my Excel spreadsheets more exciting.
- New Excel 2010 resource center for IT professionals on TechNet! http://cot.ag/dPtDvS
- is it weird that I got REALLY excited about learning how to make a pivot table? Yeah, thought so.
- *FACE PALM* Don’t #$&@##$*% touch the excel spreadsheet if you don’t know how to work the formulas!! Thank goodness for backups.
- never eat emmental cheese and work on excel!
- Fairly sure that the joy experienced over a simple pivot table makes me some kind of weirdo Excelophile.
- Help Twitter can anyone work Excel?!
- Is in a teleconference listening about pivot tables, excel spreadsheets, etc. #brainhurtsnow
- Just 7 more hours of pretending to work today. I do have my desk lamp on and a random Excel sheet up on my screen… I hope that helps.
- Finish the spreadsheet and maybe we’ll talk
- I just found out, the numbers on excel actually DO end! On 1,048,576. Random number…or secret code?
- Your Cheating Chart: Here’s 6 examples of charting methods that may distort data. http://ow.ly/47gtW #Excel
- Left work early only to come home and have to teach my dad how to use excel, great! X
- At Sloan: someone said "I’m having trouble w/ my Excel"; 1000 heads whipped up in unison" #ssac
- I write my rhymes on spreadsheet that why am bound to excel
- my pivot table just asked me SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? should I be scared? http://bit.ly/e4JJgm
- Once again, Excel is my friend. I have an ‘insane spreadsheet of doom’ ready to record the results #huu11
- My 3rd period class needs to get off Tweeter and get to work on your Excel spreadsheet on flowers!~Mrs. Rich
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