Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110411

image Back to work after a lovely spring weekend, and some people are cringing when they open Excel. What about you? Hung over? Or Awesome?

  • Burying myself in a spreadsheet, hiding from the METs playing consistently – consistently bad pitching, consistently bad clutch hitting…
  • sleeeeeeeepppp – this spreadsheet was a far more complex mire of cells than I was expecting
  • Created a spreadsheet and graph on my mac to chart the progress of my book – procrastination to the extreme!
  • Pretty sure I need Excel training – I can barely sort by column, and WTF is a pivot table? Yes I know I’m in IT….
  • Working out what books to buy with the help of a spreadsheet. I’m just that cool.
  • *cringe* opening up excel. on purpose. not for client work.
  • You know what’s awesome? Working on an excel worksheet all morning, and then accidentally exiting without saving it. That’s genius. :/
  • I’m probably doing the nerdiest, lamest thing anyone could be doing right now: An excel spreadsheet for my Magic cards as a database. 8D
  • Well work has brainwashed me to the point of I cannot decipher information that is not in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
  • I just created a colour-coded ‘new house’ spreadsheet, with formulae and everything. Man, being responsible is so time consuming…
  • Problem solving, yes. Playing with MS Word or macros in Excel, no.
  • woke up early to try and finish some school work…it took me 2 hours to make a graph on excel… #hungover
  • High-fives and shouts of joy as we set up Excel sales reports with conditional formulas…and they work. #nerdalert
  • All done voting. Heading back to work now ? Excel is my lover for the day, we shall make sweet spreadsheets together #sexy #donthate
  • My work from home plan mildly failed because I forgot I have Excel 2007 and I barely know how to use it. #FAIL
  • Curse these arrays. They reject variable cell addresses. If I were Ricardo Montalban I would say they task me. #excel #arrays #Khan!
  • Great day today, dog sit, work on excel, yanks vs sox, masters, spurs, then watching james kirkland box tonight! Holler!
  • trying to do some simple analyses on some data for my latest assignment – When exactly does Microsoft Excel ever actually #excel?


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