Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110531

image Yes, it’s great to work from home, but you might need a black belt in Excel, to convince your employer that it’s a good idea. Or make a mean latte.

  • If you merge all cells in #Excel, can you create a living organism? If you can, will it run on #Microsoft’s #DNA? Huh?
  • Excel is warning it may experience a loss of fidelity if i save. Heartbroken, it told me i was the only person it’d ever love.
  • Nesting excel functions like a black belt #excel-fu
  • This man as an excel spreadsheet for couponing…This is too much…do these ppl Have jobs???
  • Finally getting my first meal of the day. Who could have thought that an single Excel sheet would consume all my hours at work?! Bummer
  • Needs an assistant …preferably someone who can make a mean #latte and is proficient in #Excel. Help!
  • big sigh of relief. thought I had just deleted an entire weekend’s work on an excel spreadsheet. just managed to recover it all.
  • I have to do this assignment for my internship, using Excel. Only 1 problem: I can’t work with Excel!!!!
  • I wonder if these folks will let me work from home. I’m being TOTALLY serious, I’m doing an Excel spreadsheet, I rather sit in my apartment
  • Reading Microsoft Excel 2010 Bible by John Walkenbach. Love finding faster and easier ways of doing things.
  • interesting. Didnt know brand management involved that much excel work / analysis.
  • staring at excel on one monitor and my research journal on another. i wonder which is #thelesseroftwoevils …
  • Nothing to watch, nothing to do. I guess I’ll play with my #excel worksheet. Smh!!
  • No one stops to watch someone create an Excel spreadsheet but EVERYONE stops to watch someone make a movie. #MuccaPazza #MarchingBanned
  • Why are schools spending a lot of time teaching how to use specific business calcs when everybody nowadays uses Excel anyway? Stupid!
  • Trying to do conditional formatting in Excel 2010 that will still work in Excel 2003 – it’s doing my head in!!
  • im almost graduated and i still dnt knw how 2 use Excel -__-‘#fail


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