Excel Twitter 20110615
Can you remember what the colour codes in an Excel file mean? Even if you created them an hour ago? Make a list, on one of those extra worksheets, so you’ll remember.
- spend a month working on an "idiot proof" spreadsheet and they’ll send you a greater idiot. . . #screwit #youdoit
- I’m about to teach Bella how to use Excel so she can have a professional spreadsheet to take to school
- Also working on an Excel spreadsheet to organize the move. You call it crazy, I call it well-organized.
- Surely Excel needs to be taken out and shot when printing an entire workbook on doublesided paper requires deep coding knowledge? #fb
- The fact that I can’t hope to reproduce the #excel #magic I just created is proof that I’m a tortured excel #genius or #wizard.
- I colour coded a spreadsheet last week… now I can’t remember what the colours all mean?!
- I’m savvy with Excel, but when global puts together a spreadsheet with copious formats and requests us to fill it out precisely… #RAGE
- You know how plasma screens can get burn-in. Well my eyes have burn-in, in the shape of a Excel spreadsheet grid
- That Excel spreadsheet doesn’t look very summery though. Bad bad Excel.
- For months now I have been hiding secret messages in the two extra worksheets I get sent with every Excel spreadsheet. No bites yet.
- My Dad went to all my Bball games no matter what and kept my stats for me. We’d go home and put them into an Excel spreadsheet #BestDad
- The Darkness, such an appropriate band for Excel work. Guess which Metallica album I’ll be putting on next …
- Dear Microsoft Excel: Please stop crashing just as I’m about to save an hour’s worth of work. I’d really like to go to bed sometime tonight.
- Another crappy day to forget. Stupid excel charts.
- I really wish "Pivot table" referred to a live performance of the band #PVT on a raised platform. Sigh.
- This pivot table is too big to fail. #Work
- Ah what a dream! Figured out the problem with my Excel chart…..
- is doing dynamic data processing in #Excel. It’s like a sloth trying to open a bottle of wine with a spatula.
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