Excel Twitter 20110830
On behalf of Excel, I thank you for this prestigious award. Now, I’ll get back to my Gantt chart, and will ignore the computer buzzing.
- photoshop is great and all and i’m’a let you finish, but i think excel is the greatest software of all time. OF ALL TIME.
- 45 minutes of hard work and perseverance was all it took for me to accomplish nothing with excel this afternoon.
- My subconscious decided it would be funny to click "No" when asked to save before exiting excel. S’long, an afternoon’s worth of work!
- If I go to Burning Man this year, the one skill I will share with everyone else there will be how to create pivot tables in Excel.
- you know #excel, we’d be better friends if you would tell me what your issue is with the formula that I’ve formatted just like you asked
- I’m following a youtube video on how to construct a Gantt chart in excel. I think I might fall asleep
- We’re getting dumb as a society when Excel 2010 has to change the menu option from "Sort Ascending" to "Sort Smallest To Largest".
- Sweet relief! Finally figured out why this stupid spreadsheet was miscalculating by $1.02. I can finally move on – 12 hours later.
- Every time I open a certain worksheet in excel, my computer starts buzzing, but only when that sheet is on the screen. #WTFMicrosoft
- My Excel skills leave a LOT to be desired. Pitiful.
- I looked around for decent finance apps. Finally settled for a self-made excel sheet.
- Today sucks. First the dentist, now excel spreadsheets. Why god why?
- Excel spreadsheets are so much better than PowerPoint presentations, I like Excel days.
- Have you guys played excel? This game sucks!
- 800 million things to do. Creating a lot of excel tracking sheets.
- I work on excel atleast 5 hours a day..
- My DS101 instructor is too much! Doesn’t wanna see a calculator in his stats class,"all excel baby"! #tight
- Omg my 1:30 class is a joke. Do people really not know how to use Microsoft excel?
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