Excel Twitter 20111017
Happy Spreadsheet Day! As part of the celebrations, maybe someone will give you chocolate for working in Excel today, or play Rocky Top when you change tabs.
- On my birthday next year I’m gonna bring a small band into work to play Rocky Top. Open Excel sheet? Rocky Top. Change tabs? Rocky Top.
- Who knew you would get chocolates for knowing how to work in excel!
- Life is not an Excel spreadsheet. There are no formulas, digits, and highlighted borders. Don’t be a number-crunching statistic. Be human.
- Challenging task from a client, akin to creating a financial model spreadsheet in 3 dimensions. Definitely interesting but OW MY BRAIN
- I am Excelexic (unable to comprehend Excel). Off to the book store to get an Excel for Stupid People book. #fb
- im miserable because im stuck here doing this stupid online excel class! #fml
- Mom and bro use an Excel spreadsheet to decide which toilet bowls/bathtubs to buy. Accountants will be accountants. I am laughing so hard.
- Yes, boss, excel does freeze with huge files. No, I can’t make it move faster. Yes, yelling at me WILL make me cry and be unable to talk.
- I’m struggling with this pivot table, why oh why won’t it add it all up? stupid thing.
- Is it sad that I am on a total high from getting my pivot table bang on for the first time #excelguru
- I need one of you engineers to show me how to use excel ASAP. I’M an English Major and apparently I’m stupid
- i’m attempting pivots on a newer version of microsoft excel and i feel like a caveman, because they changed the code. thanks.
- Back to work tomorrow. Back to typing formulas in excel sheets while wondering how it went all wrong.
- Working at home in my pjs with a football game on in the background. Not too shabby for having to reformat a 30,000 row excel worksheet
- Suddenly, Excel starts to take over my life. I feel like a v1.0 manager with many service pack installed.
- When someone know Excel, I mean REALLY knows Excel, it is STUPID CRAZY what you can really do with it. #MindBlowingAWESOMENESS
- Today: 15 hours of work, sorting excel spreadsheets and making sure all boats come in safely. Tomorrow: PJs and Walking Dead marathon.
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