Excel Twitter 20111026
Maybe this list of Excel tweets should be explained by a hot guy with an accent. Or maybe it’s time for a Scotch, and some makeup.
- One day, Excel, you and I are going to fall in love. Until that time comes, please just be civil and maybe hold my hand.
- Really? I ask for the data in an excel spreadsheet…why do you give it to me in a word table. This makes no sense!
- Wonder if I should do an excel spreadsheet for the iPhone 4S plans.
- laptop doesnt have excel, house computer is broke. lab report due tomorrow. #fml #failinglab #really?
- i love excel. i hate excel. time for a scotch.
- Just wrote the longest excel equation of my life. I put a lookup function inside an if equation. Also had to reference multiple sheets. #fml
- with excel I really do give up, maybe office 2010 64bit will ease the stupid bottlenecks that MS should have done ages ago
- Oy! Excel! Putting color on spreadsheets is like putting make-up on. Makes u feel good; but only covers up the problem;-)
- Learning the powderfulness of Pivot Table.
- I just went all Excel nuts & made a hypnobabies plan for the next 18 weeks. Yes, I’m anal retentive like that. Also a spreadsheet geek.
- i’m having problems with this excel spreadsheet and it’s making my emotions out of whack.
- Making an excel spreadsheet to better understand my student loans…yeah there are that many a spreadsheet is necessary. #scared
- Ahh, the joys of being good at Excel… (makes spreadsheet to get all the answers for me) #nerdtweet
- #HelpdeskFail "Please could you (urgently) arrange to salvage a record that was on an excel spreadsheet but is no longer there." ?\_?
- Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. #bed?
- My roomy is so funny she wanted to watch a math video just so see a hot guy with an accent explain Microsoft excel! # SoFunny Love Her!
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