Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20111119

Have they ever done an Excel chart sketch on Saturday Night Live? If so, it probably featured Mr. Bill, looking scared!

  • I once wrote a neural network that used Excel as a front-end. Now that was a spreadsheet!
  • take this excel spreadsheet of the warfield seating chart & make a pretty graphic of it. spreadsheet anything makes my brain hurt so much!
  • Okay. So yesterday, I plotted my first line graph, using excel. Now, this is nothing to most of u, but I’m a lawyer, n we avoid numbers!
  • never thought I would have to write and code a Macro for excel. This is taking forever >:(
  • watching "how to make a bar graph on excel" on youtube. maybe i should’ve taken mrs. warner’s microsoft office class in high school..
  • What the hell is a pivot table? Do I need this? *looks around scared hoping no-one will notice Excel ineptitude*
  • tired. i made like 5 graphs on excel and the whole document got deleted and i had to do it all again šŸ™ now i just want to sleep
  • I think excel code is becoming part of my DNA. #reportOverload
  • I have started a very complicated Excel Spreadsheet to chart the funniness of SNL. I’ve created a monster.
  • Excel, if I ctrl-Z on one spreadsheet, I probably meant for you to undo the latest thing ON THAT WORKSHEET.
  • Love that taking the word "true" out of an Excel formula can take my grade from a 39 to a 94. This class is stooopid
  • Formatting a spreadsheet so i’ll be tweeting alot. You’ve been warned. Also, I need to take an advanced excel class.
  • Dear #Excel, So, you found a problem. Why don’t you tell what is it, don’t you just shut the window, haven’t we been together for years?
  • Almost 2 hrs on excel entering data/trying to do these graphs… can’t wait til graduationnnn
  • still not finished this this lab report… mainly because i started looking at career choices AND the fact i HATE doing excel graphs!


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