Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120203

imageTea might be able to solve your Excel problem, unless it’s the Windows Excel Word 2003 Illustrator kind. Those problems might need Bill Gates to solve them.

  • Who knew making a graph in excel could be as hard as cracking the da Vinci code
  • I hate when instructors say excel does it all for you…. Yeah after you do 99.999% of the work.
  • I need an excel spreadsheet on my iPad. Is there an app for that?
  • Is it my imagination or does the icon for the PowerPivot window in Excel 2010 look like a Tardis? #excel #Dr.Who
  • All I had to do was copy previous work into Microsoft Excel, and I couldn’t focus. Turning off the tv and getting to work.
  • I’m on my fourth spreadsheet of the day. At some point, a data comparison merge has to happen. I hope I remember how to do those. #ExcelHell
  • He replied, and I quote "I use Windows Excel Word2003 Illustrator Version 10." I think I found his problem.
  • What kinda tea is that? Can it solve my Microsoft Excel problem?
  • Side tangent on Excel: Maybe it’s just me, but I want to give Bill Gates a high five every time I use a pivot table. #ppcchat
  • I blame work for making me wake up several times in the middle of the night in the past weeks. I dream of Excel cells, sheets & formulas!!!
  • My sister, an Excel wiz, made a tax spreadsheet for quarterly taxes and estimates. First reaction… AWESOME. Second reaction… CRAP.
  • I love having time to create beautiful work. Even if it’s just an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Pivot table is an anagram of ‘unbelievably dull’ #fact.
  • ooh. thank you Excel for telling me I have a circular reference somewhere in a 5 worksheet book and not show me where.
  • omg like does ANYONE know how to make a column graph on excel????? not tryin to b funny but google it, that’s how I did it
  • having to produce an excel spreadsheet of cars and insurance – as this is the only way my dad understands information.


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