Excel Twitter 20120203
Tea might be able to solve your Excel problem, unless it’s the Windows Excel Word 2003 Illustrator kind. Those problems might need Bill Gates to solve them.
- Who knew making a graph in excel could be as hard as cracking the da Vinci code
- I hate when instructors say excel does it all for you…. Yeah after you do 99.999% of the work.
- I need an excel spreadsheet on my iPad. Is there an app for that?
- Is it my imagination or does the icon for the PowerPivot window in Excel 2010 look like a Tardis? #excel #Dr.Who
- All I had to do was copy previous work into Microsoft Excel, and I couldn’t focus. Turning off the tv and getting to work.
- I’m on my fourth spreadsheet of the day. At some point, a data comparison merge has to happen. I hope I remember how to do those. #ExcelHell
- He replied, and I quote "I use Windows Excel Word2003 Illustrator Version 10." I think I found his problem.
- What kinda tea is that? Can it solve my Microsoft Excel problem?
- Side tangent on Excel: Maybe it’s just me, but I want to give Bill Gates a high five every time I use a pivot table. #ppcchat
- I blame work for making me wake up several times in the middle of the night in the past weeks. I dream of Excel cells, sheets & formulas!!!
- My sister, an Excel wiz, made a tax spreadsheet for quarterly taxes and estimates. First reaction… AWESOME. Second reaction… CRAP.
- I love having time to create beautiful work. Even if it’s just an Excel spreadsheet.
- Pivot table is an anagram of ‘unbelievably dull’ #fact.
- ooh. thank you Excel for telling me I have a circular reference somewhere in a 5 worksheet book and not show me where.
- omg like does ANYONE know how to make a column graph on excel????? not tryin to b funny but google it, that’s how I did it
- having to produce an excel spreadsheet of cars and insurance – as this is the only way my dad understands information.
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