Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120202

Does work seem a bit Groundhog Day today? Maybe that’s a result of all the backwards compatibility problems.

  • I hate Psysc 241. Statistics is such a waste of my time. All we do is put numbers into excel. And make graphs. #pointless
  • When in doubt, add a pivot table. You will look and feel smarter. #excel #plotthedata
  • I really need to read a good book. Think I forgot how. Academia might kill my love of the printed word. Or maybe Excel will. #adminoverkill
  • Work is feeling a bit like groundhogday lately. I blame Excel.
  • No, I love Excel, but am mired in backwards compatibility problems.
  • Gorgeous gf just told me to "stop putting jokes in the spreadsheet". Probably sums up our relationship quite well.
  • I’m so happy to see u tweet about excel and not some exotic fun work !
  • You know you’re serious when you get the old Microsoft Excel out. Gonna make me some graphs.
  • I’m always amazed at work that people who "can’t do computers" knock out these complicated excel sheets without a second thought
  • I hate Excel. I need a spreadsheet tutor. Any volunteers? Nope, didn’t think so.
  • Eww. Coworker just tickled my elbow b/c I helped him w/ Excel. This isn’t a TV work environment where we act bizarrely close! No touching!
  • One year worth of text messages in one spreadsheet. obsessive or thorough?
  • The Excel sheets I spent forever and a day creating crashed. That’s fantastic. I love having to do my homework twice.
  • Trying to make an Excel spreadsheet for 20mins, boss goes "just ask someone to send you the one that’s already made"
  • A guy walked past me in Victoria Station and said ‘I love Excel spreadsheets’ Well good for you, hope for your sake that was sarcasm.
  • You know it’s a slow day at work when you are considering an Excel spreadsheet on possibilities of what we can have for dinner…


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