Excel Twitter 20120227
If Excel formatting starts to look sexy to you, you should try to go out on a Friday night, instead of staying in, and turning Excel into art.
- I know Excel isn’t designed for what I’m doing, but I’m SO CLOSE to getting it to work.
#madscientistintraining@asrivkin - Oh, the nightmare of the wedding breakfast seating arrangements spreadsheet…
@bel__23 - Just found an Excel spreadsheet with pros/cons list for two dudes from last year and I have NO IDEA who it’s about.
#cons#bros@courtneyjtucker - I was just told my Excel spreadsheet solution was very 1990’s….lol….
#kickinitoldschool@mhyde24 - If you are a MANAGER you should at least know how to filter an Excel Spreadsheet -_-
#JustSaying@RitaGanan - I think I’m suffering from Excel-induced Stockholm Syndrome: I’m feeling rather fond of this budget spreadsheet. What? Who am I?
@raihanaaaa - Working on a large Excel spreadsheet with a head cold is sort of like a bad acid trip for adults.
@lotus07 - I made my graph in Excel. I’m a genius.
@Courteney_Jonas - Good: I figured out how to grab application set-up info from an XML file and dump it into Excel. Bad: that was my Fri night entertainment
@matthews_p - I have to make Excel graphs & a PowerPoint this weekend. Turning survey data into art. The inner geek is almost an outie.
@ramenbecky - saved the world with three lines of code … 37854 invisible objects deleted in a few instants
#Excel#macro@KatharinaKanns - Turns out that I am NOT as stupid as I look when it comes to Excel. Ha! That’ll show my 5th grade teacher!
@wkfd - You know you need a holiday when you look at an excel worksheet’s formatting and think damn that’s sexy.
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