Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120302

imageWhile working in Excel, beware of the feral pivot tables. And if you’re on your mobile phone, calling for Excel help, don’t believe the forum geeks who tell you that VLOOKUPs are simple!

  • Am I some sort of savant that I understand how to create a spreadsheet? Why is excel intimidating to most people? @xeniterhood
  • A full day of Excel spreadsheet work. No wonder they pay investment bankers so much; otherwise nobody would do this. @dkreindler
  • I’ve impressed myself with my Excel spreadsheet skills this evening! Formulas, frozen cells, conditional formatting – it’s all there! @earliem
  • Today’s fight with Excel isn’t even about formulas; its about getting the verdammt spreadsheet to print. #mulligan @HayesBrown
  • Every morning. Men talking loudly on mobiles about spreadsheets. *bumble bumble* spreadsheet *bumble bumble* Excel has a lot to answer for. @gromitski
  • I love Excel, really I do. But I hate the initial stages of designing a spreadsheet. I never get it *just right* the 1st try #perfectionist @ChristaMcCoy
  • A well-designed, formula-enabled Excel spreadsheet is almost as satisfying as Q-Tips in ears. @choosler
  • I don’t think much of this Battleships game, ‘Excel Spreadsheet’. The graphics are sparse, to say the least. And there are too many squares. @NewConnArtist
  • I don’t even know what a pivot table is but I’m sure it’s awful. @gingerandhoney
  • Fairly certain that "Paste as Value"-ing a pivot table three times is not the right way to do it, but I got the right results. Whew. @MarinaMartin
  • +50 nerd points: I just added my first macro to an Excel file. -100 nerd points: I got the code from a forum. @HikerYote
  • Attention excel – I NEVER want to ‘view code’. Just assume I want to move/copy if I hit that. Thanks. @newmusicmichael
  • how am i supposed to know what type of bar graph to use in excel there is a million different options, teacher took off points last time smh @jtjaspr
  • you know you have no idea how to use excel when your graph for bio turns out like this. #ellenprobs http://pic.twitter.com/cIg7Czzz @ellenrunner
  • I have just spent about 45 mins comparing two excel spreadsheets too. Finally solved the problem. Am numerberlexic now though! @TheGreenRoomP
  • I also hate the stupid Excel forum geeks who say "simple Vlookup process" & then proceed to talk absolute jibberish that is in no way simple @Stace_Bee
  • Trying to track down a process that is pounding my SSAS server. I think it is a feral excel pivot table. #SQLCSI @ShawnJohnsonDBA

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