Excel Twitter 20120627
Working with Excel all day can give you a migraine, or provide you with comedy material to entertain your friends and family. Or both.
- Somewhere, the universe is being held together with nothing more than an Excel spreadsheet running on Windows XP.
- #HonestyHour I love formatting the excel sheet rather than doing actual work! 😀
- Excel gives me a headache. And yet first spreadsheet was "so pretty that it needs a friend"..not my words
- I’m editing an Excel spreadsheet that spans two monitors, one is widescreen, the other one not wide enough!
- I keep a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of all the most useful acronyms. I’d email it, but it’s 280mb and I’m on dial up.
- If this is what the real world is like, colleges should only teach PowerPoint and Excel…
- Gonna release our next album as a limited edition Microsoft Excel pivot table
- Hey Spreadsheet, maybe you should ‘excel’ at saving yourself! – COOL JOKE I JUST TOLD MY WIFE
- Just when I think I understand and comprehend EXCEL sheets. It throws me a curve ball and I get an instant migraine. #FML
- My Excel-Spreadsheet-Nerd side is bursting out like the Hulk!…did someone tick me off or do I just love spreadsheets this much? #BigIdeas
- I love hiding cells on Excel. Makes me feel sneaky.
- I don’t normally work in Excel, but I have been in it all day! Prediction: I will dream of mathematical formulas and pivot tables tonight.
- Love my boss. Him: "These files aren’t on my computer, they’re in Excel." Me: […explains…] Him: "Whatever."
- Using a pen to fix up one of the graphs because excel got it wrong. –.- great