Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120813

ice cream conePivot tables can help you work with exponential efficiency, and slay dragons, but please take time to drink and breathe. Ice cream and peanut butter cookies will help too.

  • Actually used a pivot table at work today which is 1 more time than I ever thought I would use it in the real world
  • Sent an email to boss which included the phrase; "Doing spreadsheets *is* a holiday!" There wasn’t even a hint of irony.
  • dont get me wrong, i love numbers but this spreadsheet is making me dizzy
  • I consider myself a pretty decent software engineer, but I’ll be DAMNED if I can make excel spit out a half way coherent line chart.
  • I’ve never met a pivot table that I didn’t like.
  • Just had to create a pivot table on an item titled "HARDNESS". The all caps really made my mind think inappropriately.
  • Twice today I’ve used my pivot table sword to slay the spreadsheet dragon in the combative arena that is Microsoft Excel. Have it.
  • Would love to be sat outside eating ice cream and sunbathing. Instead, I’m in excel hell where no formula can hear you scream…
  • OMG! Boss just asked me how to print from Excel…really? Drink, drink and breath.
  • Afternoon fun with #excel and pivot tables. Spent hours getting started then exponential efficiency! #PhD #phdchat
  • Is it possible to burn Excel at the stake? Because it should be sentenced for high crimes of treasonous pivot tables. #OfficeRage
  • I’m getting really tired of people who make twice my salary but are unable to format a spreadsheet in Excel! How did you get a job?!?!
  • I’m just not a pivot table kinda chick.
  • I sure hope that, when I die, people remember me for my deeds. "Man, that guy sure did work on a lot of Excel spreadsheets."
  • Important safety tip: always make sure your pivot table includes ALL the data in your master document. #excelhorrorstory
  • Just made a multilayer, formula column, data filtered pivot tabled excel spreadsheet. Boss gave me a peanut butter cookie from the co op.
  • I need an Excel spreadsheet for my life. And a Moneypenny
  • Putting two completely unrelated items into a pie chart suggests you’re just a monkey banging randomly at Excel. Who likes Mars.


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