Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20121022

imageSure, you can build cool Excel charts, and do a copy and paste. But can you replace an electrical outlet, and stay sane?

  • No rush in life as great as the cycling of the sheets of an excel spreadsheet when you hit "enable macros"
  • Scratch that, how people can work with excel their whole life and remain sane is a mystery to me
  • Excel charts you are working my last nerve! I know I am missing something obvious.
  • Seeking: any human that knows how to run freakin’ Excel. I so should have concentrated during all those stupid courses at school.
  • Excel has just unexpectedly closed, losing data from all 6 sheets and 9 charts that were open #gutted #alwayssaveyourworkkids
  • Just fell asleep with my hand on the number pad, and when I woke up I had about 50 lines of 0’s in my Excel worksheet.
  • taught my boss some pivot table functions in excel. her response: "it’s a christmas miracle!" #nerddepartment #loveit
  • A cold pint and VPN. Now time to decipher what an Excel "invalid error" might be. Wow thanks for all those details service centre #FML
  • This professor never tells us exactly what he wants. How am I supposed to do a huge Excel workbook without precise instructions ?!?
  • You know you’re a serious excel spreadsheet boss when you’ve got information in cell AAG189 #corporateworld
  • In order to succeed in the business world you must know how to make cool graphs on excel and how to copypaste data onto excel
  • Last night when I was drunk and in my room I apparently made an excel chart of how my night went. http://t.co/HJmSidBE
  • That lovely moment when you’re in the middle of an excel spreadsheet and your fat foot accidentally pulls the power chord out of the wall.
  • Excel wizardry is mostly comprised of pivot tables, pivot graphs, vlookups, and conditional formatting.
  • I lift my head from Excel to notice its dark outside. #fml
  • Almost 1am and my brain decides it wants to work on an Excel spreadsheet. Obviously.
  • Perfect man: one who can work on ur car, replace an elec outlet, AND write an advanced Excel formula like a boss. #SexyHandsBeautifulBrain


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