Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20121203

image There are lots of chart tweets in today’s collection. Do people build more charts on the weekend, or do they just tweet about them more often? Or maybe the weekend chart builders have more trouble.

  • Disturbed to read: "one thing Excel is good at is creating and formatting charts". Maybe the author was being sarcastic?
  • In the words of a fellow #Iran watcher: "BREAKING: Iranians have mastered Excel cycle and are fully capable of making pointless graphs!"
  • Another sign I’m getting old – I just wrote my xmas list in an Excel spreadsheet ๐Ÿ™
  • I just spent my Saturday night making a pivot table of our budget. We’re old. What happened to all you can drink 9-11?????
  • So proud of myself! Just made a graph in Excel for the first time in YEARS! Didn’t even have to google how! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • I can write VBA codes to crack passwords but can’t make a chart, silly excel brain #storyofmylife
  • Spent the last hour of work, changing the colors on an Excel spread sheet to meet my boss’s OCD standards.
  • Oh yes, the boss is in a bad mood. Let’s see if I can send him over the top. I’m going to alter his excel report by just 1 formula ha ha ha
  • 12 seconds until I heave this effing excel pivot table through the Latteland front window and out into the middle of 47th Street. *&^$%&!
  • Got woken up by a weird dream. Something about excel, offensive looking graphs and numbers. Urgh my work is haunting me! ๐Ÿ™
  • When using Excel the most important question is "Can I make a chart with this information?" #chartsarehappiness
  • When Excel finally does what I want I feel the need to shout about it. Ahem. EXCEL ACTUALLY DID WHAT I WANT. Aithankyoo
  • Thought pivot tables would solve my excel dilemma. I was wrong. Damn.
  • Spent 5 hours building a revenue model in excel today. I thought switching to a marketing major meant I didn’t do this anymore. #fml
  • I may not speak French but I speak excel. The code is cracked.
  • What I’ve done at work so far: Edited Excel documents, Googled "mail order boyfriends", and talked to my boss about my shoes. Movin on up.
  • New biz model: woman frazzled by Excel Layout View–I showed her how to toggle to Worksheet view. She buys me $5 gift card. #disruptive



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