Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130621

imageDoes your morning Excel ritual include air drumming, ninja kicks and coffee?

  • It’s scary how much I am enjoying watching Excel tutorials on YouTube… I need friends.
  • nobody ever enjoys Excel…and if they do then they’re either super geeky or are lying!
  • so my parents are angry at me because i can’t teach my mum how to use excel BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE IT EITHER
  • I wish more people in the professional workforce had even a basic understand of #Excel
  • Wrote my first macro in Excel, now I can have this done by today instead of Friday… feeling like a boss!! #macro #Excel #VBA #efficiency
  • Rediscovering the joys of #excel. However passionate we are about our business, it’s hard to muster enthusiasm for spreadsheets. #startup
  • Spend all morning inputting an Excel chart. At noon, find out all the info was wrong. So the morning of June 20 never happened.
  • Every time I have to make a pivot table or use the LOOKUP function in Excel, I die a little more inside. #dataoverload #excelisforjerks
  • Conference room update: I did drop an F-bomb ,but in reference to a pivot table. Gaangsta.
  • You start your morning off with coffee..me, with learning how to put background images in excel charts…(and coffee..lol)
  • I give up, my brain is tired and I can’t write the vba code I need #excel #cuppatea #goingtobed
  • Protip. If you have 55 thousand data points in an Excel graph, don’t try to fit a polynomial to it… Spoiler Alert: It’ll freeze the comp.
  • Waiting for a bajillion-line excel workbook to open means time to practice air drumming and ninja kicks #badumdedumdedum #kickkick
  • Trying to write a macro to copy macros (including itself) from one Excel workbook to another. It’s like VBA-Inception. Perhaps. Shut up.
  • You would be amazed how weird words look after staring at an excel workbook all day. Like an I ebrm tupong englivsj nov?
  • Can anyone create an excel worksheet for me. I could do it on my own but honestly I won’t like it.
  • I have voluntarily made myself an excel spreadsheet, so I guess I’m an adult now.
  • The amount of excitement I just felt while explaining my excel spreadsheet tables that I’m creating makes me a grade A nerd


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