Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130920

imagePivot tables and baby corn? Now that would be an interesting talent for the Miss America pageant! Or is it just a stupid thing?

  • I used the color option in excel on a data sheet once and now anytime there is a colored box my boss assumes it’s my work. All the color! 😀
  • For some reason, I’ve gotten into making excel worksheets for stupid things. I don’t know why.
  • Rarely see the phrase "grand total" outside of a pivot table – like seeing baby corn outside of a Chinese restaurant
  • That terrifying moment when excel ‘hides’ a worksheet when you didn’t know excel had an ‘unhide’ button. #Thankgodforgoogle #workproblems
  • Thought I experienced the worst excel hell…..then comes the wedding seating chart. Beer me now
  • Why do businesses not care about maintainable code? Because Excel trains managers to create unmaintanable code. #softwarestereotypes
  • when people ask if I know how to fix a graph on excel and i’m reminded of hours spent crying at my computer in the marketing room #nostalgia
  • You know you’re a sports nut when…..you’re doing cost analysis at work and you color-code cities in Excel based on their #NFL team colors.
  • I was bored enough at work to spend half an hour making a pivot table to sort data I could have skimmed in 10 minutes.
  • #Excel, you sneaky bastard. I give you the chance at a simple bar chart, and you go & start my axis at 45%, not 0%. For shame. For. Shame.
  • $160,000 engineering degree. Most common jobs my boss asks me to do: "Make the Word document look like this." and "Excel is broken. Fix it."
  • My talent would probably be building a pivot table in Excel…. So there is that. #MissAmerica
  • like on a scale of 1-10 how bad would it be if i just took a nap at my desk at work instead of working on this stupid excel spreadsheet?
  • Just learned how to create pivot tables and charts in Excel. Feel like a whole new woman.
  • hope this woman next to me on the metra making a micro excel graph on her comp doesn’t mind how Im bumpin 50 cent in da headphones rn
  • *Closes eyes* *Thinks of her room, bed, quilt, pillows* *Opens eyes* *Stares back at the stupid incomplete excel file* Such is life.
  • If this pivot table thing doesn’t figure itself out soon, I quit
  • Yeah I’m a pro at excel graphs. It’s actually pretty sick. There’s nothing a lady finds more attractive than a well done excel graph.



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