Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20140110

The answer to my Excel pivot table problem does not lie at the bottom of a bowl of onion dipIt’s okay to have the occasional snack at your desk, but even the 8th graders know that you should keep the exploding donut charts away from the onion dip.

  • Doing some number crunching at work. And by number crunching I mean copy and pasting into Excel.
  • When excel insists on freezing, due to the size of my workbook, it really brings my homicidal tendencies to the surface
  • My boss knew something about #Excel that I didn’t… I have failed at life and brought dishonor to my family ?? #Sulking #Fail
  • green tea, daft punk, and epic excel charts. sometimes you just have to power through #mondays.
  • Highly considering doing an excel chart of my burrito consumption for 2014 #doitforscience
  • The second I get a research task at work, I open Excel and make that table of research look pretty. They’re lucky i’m not adding wordart.
  • Leaving a ‘space’ in number when trying to work out a calculation in #excel will lead to hours of frustration. #facepalm
  • Making an Excel graph is special because no matter how many times you look up how to do it, you will ALWAYS forget again.
  • Accidentally opened Excel and my laptop had a fit because it thought I was going to do some work… False Alarm.
  • my 8th graders are using excel to track science data in school. changing visuals. SO proud of my son: “the pie chart is worthless” yes. yes.
  • Does the person that wrote the code that causes MS Excel to arbitrarily change numbers to a date still work there? Why oh why oh WHY!
  • My son is learning to use Excel in school. His assignment? Create a 3D pie chart. I’ll have a word with the teacher.
  • Today I spent a significant portion of my day hijacking and rewriting code for Excel’s Cut, Copy and Paste functions. Because I hate myself.
  • Listening to dark techno at work makes me feel like the fate of the world rests on me completing these Excel spreadsheets
  • Journey’s “Faithfully” just came on Pandora at work and these Excel spreadsheet updates JUST GOT EPIC.
  • My favorite Excel chart type is exploded donut. Fun to say and even more fun to make.
  • I used to be in a band called We Can’t Use Excel. We never made the charts. #iwasinaband
  • I used up 99% of my CPU running a pivot table in excel and it’s not even noon. #whathaveyoudonetoday
  • Tonight I learned that the answer to my Excel pivot table problem does not lie at the bottom of a bowl of onion dip. The more you know.

The answer to my Excel pivot table problem does not lie at the bottom of a bowl of onion dip


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One Comment

  1. “Doing some number crunching at work. And by number crunching I mean copy and pasting into Excel.”
    This is so true! ;p

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