Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20141128

Happy Black Friday! This list of Excel tweets might entertain you, while you wait in line to pay for all those bargains that you found.

Please vote for your favourite tweet, in the survey at the end of this blog post. Thanks for voting last week, and the winner was:

The bar is set so low at work that using formulas in excel instead of typing in numbers makes me look like a genius

Should I work on an excel file for 4-5 hours or watch TV? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

  • Alternate hypothesis; Excel’s default charts are so hideous to keep the ppl who can format too busy to take over the world. #mbaproblems
  • If I had a dollar for every time my Excel crashed at work I definitely would not be working in Excel. ??
  • I love when I write a function in excel and it manages to work only to break other things. ._.
  • I’m working on my own homebrewing worksheet in Excel at work. The best part is is that it looks like I’m still doing work.
  • Reasons for learning to use Excel; -“Task too tedious” -“Cannot math” -“Pretty charts”
  • Should I work on an excel file for 4-5 hours or watch TV? #WednesdaysSuck
  • You know you’ve reduced too much data when you have excel chart templates saved.
  • I have an excel file that contains 15 sheets and 108 charts. If I lose this file, I will die.
  • So it is a bad idea to work on an Excel spreadsheet, then fail to save changes to it. #ITproblems
  • Microsoft Excel, will you please just work so I can run this report and get the hell out of here on time for once? Please?
  • I don’t know. Pretty sure Excel tried to eat my soul at work today.
  • wondering how long i can stare at this same excel sheet before boss realizes i haven’t done any work since lunch
  • That blissful moment where you write code in excel that will save you 15 minutes of clicking and pasting per day and it actually works ;3;
  • So my coworker just informed me he saved over one of my excel files after he pasted special values the whole workbook. All formulas = gone
  • Helped an analyst that didn’t know how to collapse a field in a pivot table and feel they should be stripped of their title.
  • There is something horribly pleasurable about bending a pivot table in six different ways to save four hours of work.
  • They said, “You are gonna excel in life.” What they really meant is, “I will be doing Excel my whole life.” #FML
  • Make the graph in Excel, they said. It will be quicker, they said. #rstats #ggplot

This week’s tweets by:

mocarbe, h0esch, NaerThePriest, rolewiii, dieyouhypocrite, Jayzanski, ScubaSteve732, DehvanM, MattSoleyn, LoganPayge, tehjessicarae, alliebp, chapchae, Skooldozer, FunctioningMath, TsearR, BeingHanuman, TimDoherty_


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