Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20150417

Do you make pivot tables when you feel lazy? And when you have free time, do you make YouTube videos about charts? That can happen, if Excel is your only friend.

Who doesn't love a good pivot table? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets

  • My boss spread the word around the office that I’m ‘good with Excel’. Looking forward to spending my career in a prison of my own making!
  • idk what kind of people make youtube videos in their free time on how to make a chart on excel…but i love those people
  • Created a pivot table inside a pivot table. This is like Excel inception.
  • Oh Excel charts. If I die at work, it’s going to be your fault.
  • That moment when you make a huge graph in Excel and just rememnber that you didn’t save the data prior. Please don’t crash. 3x please.
  • I never thought I’d say it but I need to up my pivot table game
  • Job Post:Excel guru – You eat your breakfast with a side of VLOOKUPs and Pivot Tables Whomever posted this, I want to work for him/her.
  • Is there anything worse than you boss asking you to create a seating chart on excel ? No, no there is not
  • This must be progress in some convoluted way, but when I’m lazy I make pivot table.
  • Ir you can’t go to the gym – blame Excel. If the numbers aren’t the ones you need – blame Excel. If you leave the work at 22 – blame Excel!!
  • My boss is going to a meeting to explain to a manager how to open a report in Excel and view contents inside columns that may need widening
  • *Sigh* I love #Excel and how it just wiped out a half day worth of work even after saving periodically after I DARED to highlight a cell.
  • I learned all these cool Excel tricks this morning so i’m just coasting on an Excel high right now. my boss ladies & gents
  • After all these years using Excel, I finally built a pivot table and got exactly the data needed! #todaywasagoodday
  • If I ever go to hell it will consist of me perpetually copying & pasting bar charts from Excel to Word & the axis text not fitting correctly
  • Having a job where you work from home is making me anti social. Excel is my only friend
  • Who doesn’t LOVE a good pivot table? Can I get a retweet!
  • At my Excel expert course. Learning how to make a complete dog’s dinner of a chart to distract from the data. Think that’s the aim anyway.

This Week’s Tweets By

hellakale, yammin23, vivekgirotra, SocioTom, WiegerTheFarmer, reillser, thecrazychocobo, linds3ygrant, helabond, chammarus, muhammedallia, Aksys_Mike02, melmatzker, nathangehring, alicecharlotte, Starla_Says, JayLow, McJenB


Who doesn't love a good pivot table? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/


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