Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20150515

Don’t be an Internet troll, even if you’re in pivot table hell, or Excel just crashed. You’ll feel better if you colour code something, or get Becky to do your work.

How many engineers does it take to format an Excel chart? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets

  • I now know how to do a pivot table. I am wondering if I want to unknow this?
  • Just enrolled on an all day Excel training course with work because I’ve been told the catering is excellent
  • What is it about Excel that makes me want to color code EVERYTHING?
  • I’m in pivot table hell. Please send a nice tablecloth, a candle, and a bottle of red. That’ll make it look better.
  • That moment you realize the only thing keeping you sane is vlookup and a pivot table #bigdata
  • a lady asked me do i know how to create a pivot table and all i could think of was if i had enough time to look it up on YouTube.
  • How many engineers does it take to make Excel format a chart correctly? So far we are up to 3 engineers and two interns.
  • In my free time at work I troll Internet Forums to find people that need VBA help with MS Excel. I think I’ve reached Master level Nerd.
  • I’m making some fancy stuff work in excel & I’m not even embarrassed to be excited about this.
  • Finding an Excel function to do all of your work for you is a great feeling.
  • Been working on a spreadsheet all day, excel just crashed. No I didn’t save my work. Cry with me. ??
  • Making a formula work in Excel can make you feel like a rock star, then you realize it’s basically 9th grade math.
  • 80% of my day is pretending I understand how to use Excel. #work
  • MS excel won’t start. It’s like the universe is telling me not to work.
  • Apparently today at work is “oh, hey, Becky knows excel, let’s ask her to fix ALL THE THINGS” u__u
  • The feeling when you realize there was another worksheet in the Excel workbook that you were completely unaware of until now
  • That special moment when you think you have found an error in Excel pivot table coding then realize; no I’m just an idiot and caused this.
  • i could try excel but i feel like thats more work than its worth

This Week’s Tweets By

aerojad, SarahBrownie, ravingmadly, DarryWillis, shawnccpr, tullyfur, ImABaconDonut, AnneLouiseM, The_KMich, GrandVerve, Jerkface_Killah, icannotdecide_, misteloctober, flickeringICE, Hriob_Zagel, manziniyo

How many engineers does it take to format an Excel chart? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/


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