Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20150717

Don’t have a heart attack if you call Microsoft and they don’t agree to make Excel work exactly the way you want it to. Stare at your worksheet for a while, and you’ll feel better.

When in doubt, make an Excel worksheet http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets

  • Yesterday at work what we thought was a bug in Excel 2007 turned out to be a feature.
  • Small heart attack when you think you lost several days of work in excel…change sheet, THERE IT IS ;D
  • Nobody told me that making a pivot table was this hard.
  • I can’t believe! I finished #packing without an #excel chart! #proud of me! ;D
  • when excel hangs because of your code
  • when u didn’t even run the code but excel hangs anyway… ;(
  • Excel spreadsheet full of numbers that don’t work #ihatemyjob
  • Why was the data operator terrified when his boss asked him to conceal some cells in his excel file? . . Because he was hide-row-phobic.
  • “Must have 3-5 years experience building data models for analysis.” Translation; You have to be able to make charts in Excel
  • When you use Excel so much at work that you use it for everything in your personal life >>>
  • What’s the point of being able to save chart templates in excel if they never work right, and I have to do it all over again anyways?
  • When your Excel keyboard commands don’t work on every other program on your computer
  • Teaching my dad how to use excel for a new position at work. Never thought I could actually teach him something
  • Sure. I’ll just call Microsoft and get them to make excel work that way for you. Hang on a sec.
  • I’m still at work, which is terrible, but even worse, I’m listening to the most painful excel function conversation I have ever heard.
  • The only productivity I’m capable of right now is staring at whichever worksheet is open in Excel at the moment
  • When in doubt, make an excel worksheet
  • We just got upgraded to Excel 2013 at work and I hate everything.

This Week’s Tweets By

BitherTerry, Carson_Edwards8, Yangxiii, maylo_me, JabiDeVera, imadrianfausto, FeeDace04, Amritorupa, JayCaruso, BrizzSchulte, MitchGFish, nicolewoh, mattyiceee_32, grumpyarchitect, vcjacobs01, meplusmoon, appifanie, IcefoxIX

When in doubt, make an Excel worksheet http://exceltheatre.com/blog/


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  1. Sure. I’ll just call Microsoft and get them to make excel work that way for you. Hang on a sec.

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! If you know what a V Dash is, you’ll know why I laughed so hard at this one.

  2. I have one of those “I heart Spread Sheets” mugs at work. The partner of a colleague thought it was because I liked my bed made.

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