Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160108

Welcome back for a new year of Excel Tweets! Please take a minute to answer the quick survey below, to let me know which tweet format you prefer. Thanks!

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • I love when people send me cvs files as a regular Excel file!! It makes everything so easy! People are great!
  • my Mac probably has the computing power to send a spaceship to Mars. But a Pivot Table on an 18,000 row Excel spreadsheet. No chance.
  • I’m writing some sweet VBA for Excel code this week; I know what the ladies like…
  • Was getting very upset because of An error in my excel spreadsheet. Until I realised I was still trying to work in 2015
  • I’ve been tinkering about with spreadsheets to try and work it out but it is straining my excel capabilities and googling skills
  • Keeping myself entertained at work by trying to get a 2D lookup to work in excel rather than using my usual crutch/helper column. #fun
  • Dummy proofing excel sheets for my boss. Fyi “shift+F2” on a cell allows you to comment a cell, or to passive aggressively insult them.
  • Today I learned about pivot tables in Excel. I’m now a technical guru
  • That fear when you do something wrong on an excel workbook but have no idea what you’ve done …!!
  • Love how Excel panics when a formula won’t work out: #DIV/0! It’s like it’s screaming: “You can’t divide by zero! Dire consequences!”
  • I really really really like Excel. Like. Really. I think it solves a lot more problems than it creates. Yes, I can code.
  • You know a website is legit when it has an excel chart in its marketing page.
  • Three more months and I’m done with this stupid excel worksheet
  • It’s safe to say my love of excel spreadsheets has not grown in 2016

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















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This Week’s Tweets By

DevinCG, L1AD, DivorcedD20, JessFurling, cjeskriett, joecast73, KornyKev, neal_sousbois, nonrenewed, RLAeverydaysame, ballyhewe, thomasforth, arielmichaeli, Hosehy, DeeDee_2806



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