Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160518

And….we’re back! Finally, all the widgets, gadgets, scripts, feeds, worksheets, connections, and other necessary bits and pieces are working correctly again. For now!

So, without further ado, here is the latest collection of Excel-themed tweets. If you like this week’s tweets, please share the link. Thanks!

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Just made my first pivot table. Not sure if this is a proud moment or not…
  • If everyone else ever figures out how to do a pivot table or VLOOKUP, most of us corporate finance guys will be redundant.
  • Amazing. After years and years of working with Excel. It is still possible to accidentally delete the entire mornings work. Arrrrgggh!
  • Hire me to reduce your life to an excel workbook
  • James Bond can’t figure out why Microsoft Excel keeps changing his code number to just ‘7’ whenever he tabs out of the cell.
  • Like, I mean. If you can’t use excel, please let someone know so you aren’t creating more work
  • Dear @microsoft I HATE the stupid, lame, slow, useless and disrupting animation while moving through cells in Excel.Love,Axel
  • Don’t you love it when you realize your humongous excel spreadsheet with links somehow shifted? #finderror #needleinhaystack
  • My Excel projects at work might all have a “elbows on desk, fingers on temples, glaring at the keyboard and grumbling” phase.
  • Sometimes at work the way I navigate through excel I feel like I’m killing it at a video game…the lamest video game ever
  • Nothing like that moment of terror when you haven’t saved your work for a solid 20 minutes and excel stops responding…
  • HackNight hilarity: “then they gave me this 14-sheet excel workbook they call ‘the database'”
  • Kiss my grits, Excel workbook
  • Today’s crowning achievements: getting a weird Excel chart to work and not spilling falafel all over myself. #Tuesday
  • Pro tip – learn to make a pivot table in excel. People will think you’re a genius.

Kiss my grits, Excel workbook. This week’s collection of Excel-themed tweets. http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above. If you like this week’s tweets, please share the link. Thanks!

















Kiss my grits, Excel workbook. This week’s collection of Excel-themed tweets. http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

adgad, Yuppie Scum, Rene Banziger, kuntrolla, Jo Thornely, diZZ, Axel Bunge, Stacey Dorow, Zii, Steve Messner, Megan Metcalfe, Seattle PyLadies, Adora 2000, Libby Engel, Stevie Wonder


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