Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160624

Have you been lying on your résumé, and you have to Google how to make a pivot table? Or is that even a proficiency? Maybe you should go to Starbucks (when it isn’t busy), and think about that.

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below. If you like this week’s tweets, please share the link. Thanks!

  • Being praised for my “good work” in Excel but ive actually been Googling how to use it all day hahahaha
  • The only thing I can get my excel code to do correctly is delete all data and worksheets so I don’t think I’ll be using this very much
  • You know you’ve officially hit rock bottom when you are starting fights at work with people because they don’t wrap text their excel sheets
  • I find it baffling that Excel pivot tables are considered a proficiency skill.
  • *figures out how to rotate a 3D pie chart in Excel* i am a graphic design prodigy
  • I don’t say this enough but I do love Excel. Thank you for everything you do @msexcel
  • List of things to do this summer;1.)Work out every day2.)be clear, be decisive3.)figure out how to use excel and stop lying on resume
  • I’m such a nerd that I created an Excel traffic trend chart of when #Starbucks is busiest. And today – my predictions are so far accurate.
  • Excel has just decided to not come to work today….
  • I love seeing some scrappy excel #dataviz work. Https://twitter.com/randal_olson/status/745622790234054657 …
  • Arguing to our IT chief that we need an upgrade to Excel 2016 because it “looks pretty” didn’t work for some reason.
  • I’ve got two pivot tables and some macros. Where it’s at. #Excel
  • For me, excel is to work as Google is to college. And today excel isn’t working. Help.
  • We’re going to look at dirty data, because life is dirty and so is data. #Excel #PivotTable #IRE16
  • if excel is involved I can guarantee that is your problem

I don't say this enough but I do love Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above. If you like this week’s tweets, please share the link. Thanks!
















I don't say this enough but I do love Excel http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Delicate Haddock, fumblingiraffe, Kristen, x, Kara Ganyer, Joseph Finney, Foxy Grandpa, John Narum, Rebekah, Mike Sarasti, Mangle, Joe Lindell, Hannah Sharp, Sarah Boden, Rob Batchelor



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