Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160805

Do your Excel charts look like the Batman logo? Or does your work look more like a $15 mouse, and itโ€™s slowly killing you?

This Weekโ€™s Tweets โ€“ Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Boss: I need you to create an Excel spreadsh… *interrupts Me: I quit.
  • I just started using Pivot Tables in MS Excel, and I’m more excited than any normal person should be. #DataNerd
  • Excel chart for work came out looking a bit like Batman logo. Taking it as a good sign, probably can’t say this in my report ๐Ÿ˜›
  • I fall in love just a little, oh a little bit every day with Excel. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
  • When u spend ur entire day crunching numbers on excel and a formula link breaks as u send it to ur boss #iheartcoop
  • Once I get this data cleaned up, I think the resulting pivot table is going to break Excel. I am kind of excited. #simplepleasures
  • I just made a line chart in Excel!!!! Pretty sure I can fly the Shuttle now…well, if it were still around…
  • I want everyone to know I am attempting to make pivot tables with excel for Mac #thestruggle
  • If you borrow $15 for 12 months at 10% interest to buy your #gf a mouse. Monthly repayments would be =PMT(10%,12,15) = $2.20 #Excel #Loan
  • A love a nice tidy Excel spreadsheet
  • Proficient in Excel but cant do macros or pivot tables. Frauds!
  • we will assume you know what you’re doing in excel ok, problem –
  • *repeatedly bashes head on desk in hopes that Excel will take pity and WORK*
  • When Excel crashes at work and I can’t scream at the top of my lungs like I want to…
  • I’m being slowly killed by the world’s most temperamental pivot table

My Excel chart looks like a Batman logo. Good sign? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Weekโ€™s Tweets โ€“ Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















My Excel chart looks like a Batman logo. Good sign? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Weekโ€™s Tweets By

BornHusky, Corbin J. Standley, Rebecca, Zafrul Ahmed Sayem, Chloe, Matthew Keeley, loishenry, Briana Diaz, WittyExcel, Sam, Ghengis Kellz, Lucy Skyler, Jungle Julia, Lauren, Jeremy Santerre


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