Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170421

That poor dad! I never let Excel questions distract me like that. Well, hardly ever. Not more than twice a day. And certainly not when I’m color coordinating my workbooks.

I color-coordinate Excel like an adult coloring book http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • I asked my dad like 20 minutes ago how I could do something on excel and he is still over here trying to work it out.
  • If you tell me Rihanna knows Excel and can pivot some tables too….listen.. My heart will stop.
  • Telling you right now if you want to be the guy that everyone loves at work, become a legend at excel, that program can save so much money.
  • At work, I color-coordinate excel spreadsheets like an adult coloring book as I continue with my numbers numbers numbers #wip #amwriting
  • Is 45,000 rows really a lot for Excel – I feel like it shouldn’t be a problem
  • I just did something extremely complicated in Excel, involving writing my own macro, which saved me maybe a week’s work. Feels amazing.
  • So roughly 3 weeks of work has resulted in 10 cells worth of results in excel. Kinda depressing. #phdlife #phdchat
  • Whenever I manage to make something work in Excel, I feel like some kind of wizard. #datanerd
  • If I could have one wish, it would be for Excel to work perfectly for me for the rest of my life.
  • @lemonsand I maintain an excel workbook of staggering and embarrassing complexity
  • it’s taken about 15 hours of work to draw these 2 lines on an excel graph and they’re probably wrong
  • Just because someone shows you numbers and can produce a bar chart in Excel, doesn’t bestow magical forecasting powers.
  • Just helped my 11 year old make a pizza box solar oven. Success! Now to teach her Excel to chart/graph the results. Sweet beautiful data!
  • Life of a database admin. I love nice clean data. I love Excel pivot tables. I seem to be the only one at work who thinks this way.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.
















I color-coordinate Excel like an adult coloring book http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Ashley, Amber Erica, Sun, H. A. Nickerson, rebeccastob, Anton Howes, Andrew, Benjamin White, Kyle Tansley, Birnbaumenstein 3-D, Dominic, Will Jennings, Drew Mortensen, Liz Matney



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