Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20180126

If your Excel chart doesn’t have a puppy in the middle, you’re doing it wrong. And don’t try to open all the Excel files at once, or we’ll have to do a sage cleanse. Sorry that I had to scold you from Antarctica (well, it feels like Antarctica!)

You had me at Concatenate http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Me at work: “I would pay $100 for a version of Excel that just didn’t try to be helpful. Maybe even $10 a month recurring.”
  • I just said “we should sage cleanse this excel sheet” and my boss didn’t laugh
  • I made some gift wrap for excel nerds #HandmadeHour love a bit of geekery #excel #spreadsheets #nerd #craftychats #BrumHour #brumetsy
  • At my table I heard this excel love letter. “You had me at concatenate” #INTIX2018 @intix
  • Honestly there’s nothing like managing to perfectly balance an Excel workbook that someone had previously messed up.
  • Any problem can be fixed with a well formatted excel spreadsheet
  • VP just came into my office and talked about Excel. He started talking about slicers and pivot tables and I’m pretty sure my face was like this because I was stunned he knew how to do that stuff.
  • Hahaha. There are a few things for which Excel is the best tool. (I love that you are scolding me from Antarctica!)
  • Haha. Hardly. Using Excel is like cooking. You can do lots of things with it, some will work out really well, you’ll discover interesting stuff along the way but you’ll never be completely perfect at it
  • I can’t even fix this excel problem, then again I think it’s my math. I have no idea.
  • Before we teach the world to code can we first teach them to use Excel properly?
  • my boss always loves my spreadsheets because i’m very OK at Excel but excellent at superfluous color coding
  • I’ve also just noticed there’s a puppy in the middle of the Excel chart
  • I have found an upper limit to the number of Excel documents my work laptop prefers to have open and it’s about a third of the folder I accidentally just opened. #oops #antiproductivity

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















You had me at Concatenate http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Michael, phoenixSmiles, Dayz, fr@n holywell, katelynn, Callan Lawrence, Machzy, Aaron Schiff, So now?, RIA RIA, Tim Barcz, into the goth, David Jones, Colette Breshears, Heidi Halvarson


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