Excel Humor

Excel Tweets Roundup 20180601

Does Excel give you the spins, or make you gape-mouthed? Maybe that’s why it looks like you use pivot tables! Anyway, before the sky darkens, learn another Excel spell, so you don’t get itchy.

When you can’t remember how that old spreadsheet works

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • i swear the last 30 minutes of work all i do is make my excel spreadsheets look pretty
  • Made this thing in excel at work ages ago. Going back to change it and I’ve no idea how I’ve done it. Just staring gap mouthed at it.
  • As heard in business school: “Val, you look like you know how to use a pivot table, can you come here?”
  • I hate when someone you work with showing you something in excel and there is a quicker way to do it. I be itching to tell them they doing it wrong but I dont like giving unsolicited advice.
  • Just purged Excel data til I got the spins. the sign of a hard day’s work.
  • Journos: Does anyone else find big data projects to be really calming compared to other work you do? Working in Excel feels like Xanax to me.
  • When you’re frustrated with #Excel, so you get on #twitter. #work #formulas #data. My #mood:
  • I have such a love, hate relationship with Excel. I build something cool with it and think oh this is soo awesome but I hate working out the formulas to get the thing to work!
  • I am a wizard!! I have mastered the spell VLookup with Concatenate! At least mastered it for the moment, until I forget. lol! Excel can be so tricky and I truly thought what I wanted was beyond it’s capabilities, but I got it to work for what I needed. Phew!
  • My First Pivot Table Thank you Daddy, YouTube, Google and my Dusty Brain
  • I just Googled “Excel change perspective 3D bar chart”.The sky darkened, and ominous clouds began spewing lightning, thunder, and rain.
  • “What sociopath wants a Top and Thick Bottom Border?” I ask myself every time I work in Excel.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.














When you can’t remember how that old spreadsheet works http://exceltheatre.com/blog/


This Week’s Tweets By

Draza, Cincinnati Daddy, Han Solo, Apollo, Ethan McLeod, Dahlia Bazzaz, Kelly, Jessica, Sarah Reed, Wan Nurul Shafiqa Z., Alberto Cairo, Bob


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