Excel Tweets Roundup 20200320
Can you ever have too many monitors, when you’re working in Excel? Should your dog have his own monitor, when you’re working from home? Maybe Google knows the answers to these important questions!
This Week’s Tweets
Here are my favourite Excel tweets, from the ones that I saw on Twitter this week.
work from home day one: aw geez i love excel
— wasa (@wasagi91) March 18, 2020
I just got really excited because I created an excellent pivot table on excel
Then I realized how sad it is for me to get so excited for creating a pivot table
— أحمد (@Mousawi) March 15, 2020
What’s everybody’s temporary work from home battle stations look like? Figment is awesome at Excel. pic.twitter.com/vq6oO3Yw2F
— Matt Skrajner (@MattSkrajner) March 18, 2020
There’s some good deals on monitors at the moment nicey! Laptops really ain’t it for excel work
— Lisha Bootsie (@LishaBootsie) March 17, 2020
I’m getting a lot of work done because when 5pm rolls around I have nothing else to do so I might as well keep working on these Excel sheets.
— Andrew Whitenight (@andrewhitenight) March 17, 2020
omg u guys i had to do so much office work today i just pretended like i was at dunder mifflin it made it more fun & then i had to do so much work using excel it made me feel so smart cause sometimes excel is confusing but i actually knew what i was doing it was a pretty okay day
— ⁷ (@taehyungeater) March 17, 2020
Googling an excel problem and these are the top three ‘How’ searches. #Priorities pic.twitter.com/yXTX5eX8q4
— Richard Facey (@faceyrj) March 18, 2020
“Yeah I work in science, yeah I’m learning how to code,” she said, while spending half an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with her formula IN EXCEL
— bastard of science (@fishykarma) March 18, 2020
@hjmaloney had a pretty loyal work buddy today, he doesn’t know Excel but is a certified pro at cuddling #WorkFromHome #FlattenTheCurve #dogsoftwitter pic.twitter.com/A1DeTGSTIl
— JD Maloney (@JDMaloney) March 18, 2020
If working from home has enlightened me on any of my work-quirks it’s my absolute refusal to use anything other than Excel to create a document.
— Yo, Adrian! (@AmorGalleta) March 17, 2020
sometimes my supervisor needs something really specific and if i do it by hand it would legit take all day but then i google “how to do x in excel” and all my problems are solved in under 30mins
— Aiden (@destati_x) March 18, 2020
Excel Tweets Roundup
Thanks for reading this week’s Excel tweets roundup, and did you have a favourite?
Get more monitors! I’m working in Excel!