Excel Tweets Roundup 20200508
Here’s this week’s collection of Excel tweets, for your Friday entertainment. Which one sounds like something that you could have posted? And watch the video below, if you too want to make VLOOKUP work properly!
This Week’s Tweets
Here are my favourite Excel tweets, from the ones that I saw on Twitter this week.
i finally got excel to work on my laptop…..i can experience joy once more
— sydney horses (@syd_maeb) May 6, 2020
If any of my followers know how to make a pivot table on Excel, please let me know in the comments. That way I can block you. I don’t need that blatant spreadsheet showboating negativity in my life.
(@lt_freedom) May 6, 2020
Hopefully opening 123 Excel files doesn’t break my work computer pic.twitter.com/ohESU03T5D
— Nate VK (@nate_vk) May 7, 2020
Student comment while working on data exam:
“Can you believe I am excited to work with data….in Excel….with functions….and statistics???
I do not know who I am anymore, Dr. Tyler…”My new Twitter byline should include “Causer of existential crises through data.”
— B. David Tyler (@DrBDT) May 7, 2020
Excel: we noticed your add on keeps crashing, do you want us to disable it for you?
Me: No, I need that for 50% of my work, it sucks but I know to save often and try to keep my sheets closed.
Excel after crash: Don’t worry, we’ll go ahead and disable it for you anyway— Mecha Fan Morgan (@witsuaru) May 6, 2020
there’s no greater feeling than getting a vlookup in excel to work properly
— cam (@UnlvLoser) May 6, 2020
I am building a custom reporting tool in excel. Deep into writing a number of custom formulas including solving a particularly tricky problem I was having. So of course I click “Don’t Save” when shutting down my work for the day. #homersaysitbest pic.twitter.com/qwiS7sCoGA
— Jon Stevens (@TheMedicJon) May 7, 2020
It’s offical, my work revolves around excel spreadsheets and not so much about servers anymore I don’t want to look at gridlines all day
— Alecsandra (@Alecshalfday) May 7, 2020
The amount of time you have between opening an excel document and the document actually opening, is the same amount of time it takes to convince yourself that the work was never that important
— Before Neil (@Preneil1) May 7, 2020
Most of my work in finance isn’t even math. It’s helping other people believe I can do math by me using Excel. We don’t talk about that enough. https://t.co/kO5JjfmE4n
— hannah montana (@amanda__plzz) May 6, 2020
Excel’s performing a long, complicated macro, so this is basically the one time I can scroll Twitter at work without feeling morally conflicted. pic.twitter.com/CsAh05qsaF
— Dennis (@OctoberComics) May 6, 2020
— Jordan-Lee (@nameisjordanlee) May 7, 2020
Welp, l’d say we have reached the point where we have stopped lying about how we are doing in work emails. Like no Lisa, I am not okay, I’m almost out of popcorn and I haven’t slept a full night since January, but the new excel file is finished so there’s that
— MOM (@Marisa_Clarke) May 7, 2020
Pulled together a quick Excel pivot table for something my Mum needs to report on at work tomorrow and she said she would be up all night working it out. Took about 10/15 mins showing her.
She now thinks I have superpowers.
— John Polson (@JohnnnnP) May 6, 2020
Find Product Price with Excel VLOOKUP
Learn more about the Excel VLOOKUP function
Excel Tweets Roundup
Thanks for reading this week’s Excel tweets roundup, and did you have a favourite?
To do Excel work at home, you need snacks!