Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20111008

imageHave you tried R programming? Is it really better than Excel, or is it just easier to spell?

  • Boss kept fussing at me because I was saving things in "Hotmail" instead of Excel. Figured out he was getting an HTML error. Whoa.
  • not fair! I want duvet day…instead I have excel spreadsheet day ahead of me 🙁
  • My professor has to be on crack, no one can have this much energy, and love microsoft excel this much.
  • Excel is really getting on my nerves… *breathe in breathe out*. back to my workbook
  • If you work heavily with Excel and aren’t using Pivot Tables, you’re doing it wrong. Learn them and thank me later.
  • Can someone who knows how to use excel on a Mac please come over and help me
  • This Excel class really helps me work on my twitter game for a solid hour twice a week.. #1aAcedemics
  • Yea I work in Excel non-stop so I have my personal macro workbook packed full of useful shortcuts.
  • the reason most people love excel is because they are usually using it for the wrong purpose. Excel is not a database.
  • Oh, and 1. My voice sounds as though it’s starting to go out; 2. I have to do work in Excel and am dreading it like a redneck dreads heels.
  • just learnt how to work pivot tables in Excel #achievement think I can pack up and go home now
  • Peeps ask what R programming is like: imagine having Excel with unlimited memory, all functions and macros, better charts, and no GUI grid.
  • trying to update some ridiculously complicated excel tables. AGGRAVATING
  • its raining, I want to be at home in front of the fireplace reading a good book & drinking a latte, not meddling in excel & a bad "tool"
  • Being at work so long all I see is excel sheets & numbers lol
  • Officially beast at making map data on Excel. Saved me about an hour of unnecessary work. #likeaboss
  • I just used Excel to make my first spreadsheet ever. Feel pride and self-loathing at the same time.


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