Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100730

From now on, each of my Excel files will be referred to as "a ripping piece of awesome".

  • My dyslexic tendencies are kind of pesky, considering I work on excel and with numbers all day.
  • Just built an Excel worksheet to calculate time-lapse movie values. Very cool, if I do say so myself. #fb
  • Why does every version of Word and Excel get less user friendly?!? I don’t want my graph made out of bubbles!!!
  • My work PC is gonig to drive me to drink. It shouldn’t take ten seconds to bold a row in Excel.
  • EXCEL FINGER CRAAAMP! OWWW! This spreadsheet is going to be a ripping piece of awesome, though, so it’s totally worth it.
  • We have an excel file at work that many people need to update and it’s constantly being used when I need it! So annoying! Get a database!
  • Spent ages trying to work out why Excel thought 15+16+17 totalled 47. (I’d set my columns too narrow, and it had rounded 16.5 and 15.5)
  • How did people do mind numbing Excel charts before iPods and iced green tea?
  • A chart about Norw-Den-English trade from 1786, from the first modern chart book. If only excel had this elegance. http://bit.ly/9n6IOt
  • I’m an excel spreadsheet genius! Didn’t think I’d ever say that! Or even need to, for that matter!
  • I think I need to reevaluate my life. I find Excel to be very relaxing. I came into work in a horrible mood, now I’m in a very zen place.
  • It’s a specific kind of person that gets overly excited when a big spreadsheet finally begins to work right. What’s happening to me?
  • One of the template options when you open Excel is "21st Century Donut Chart".Really disappointed this had nothing to do w/ actual donuts.


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