Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101228

image It’s almost the end of the year, and people are using Excel to take stock of the past year, and plan for the new year — even if they’d rather go shopping for a new TV, or tell bad Christmas jokes instead!!

  • Excel 11 columns x 1500 rows done.Tea break now.Staring at the ceiling.Sunlight merging with fluorescent light.10 more hrs at work #fml
  • Ah, just opened Excel for the 1st time after the holidays. Great to back at work!
  • Spent my boxing day reducing a clients slow and unusable 85Mb spreadsheet down to 1Mb. Now got a headache, glad its a bank holiday tomorrow
  • Really did just say to Clare about her finances home spreadsheet – ‘where’s your business continuity plan?’. I really need to get out more!
  • I am an Excel spreadsheet king. But you couldn’t have known that so I forgive you.
  • Excel. Why do some clients think it’s the mutts nuts. Don’t get me wrong, I love it but it’s a case of right tool for the job. No jokes.
  • Okay, time to start my new project: spreadsheet to track what I have in my cupboard (spices, beans, grains, etc).
  • Now I have to write about a spreadsheet and figure out sizes for an airship. I’d actually rather go shopping!
  • Made a Boxing Day Excel spreadsheet to compare widescreen with standard screens. Planning a new TV for the bedroom and a new PC monitor. πŸ˜‰
  • Currently looking at the beginning of the rest of my life… in the form of a spreadsheet.
  • I’m seeking out a system for self betterment. I think this calls for a spreadsheet.
  • I know you’re going to hate me for saying that, but I’m in love with Excel and what it does πŸ™‚
  • Sitting down to the inter-cousin/sibling Christmas spending spreadsheet. The World Bank has seen less complicated transactions.
  • he’s making a list, checking it twice, cleaning the data and making a summary spreadsheet. cause he’s not santa. he’s a contract researcher.
  • Need more processors for that massive Excel spreadsheet that I am doing, maxing out Amazon
  • Dear Excel, If those “minor loss of fidelity” warnings pop up every time I close/save a workbook they start to lose credibility.Thanks, Sara


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