Excel Twitters 20100122
It’s Friday, and you made it through another week without yelling at your boss. Well, I hope you did.
Some people are suffering though, and they might need a bit of medication, or maybe the best solution is just another Excel spreadsheet.
Excel Problems
- Oh excel, how I hate that you like to complain about compatibility, but don’t show me where the problem is. The "Find" link is missing
- #Excel Tip: If your sheet/function isn’t working, never say "It should work." Ask "What am I doing wrong?" & look until u find the problem
- I think the solution to every problem might just be an Excel spreadsheet!
- Problems that Excel can’t solve http://sbne.ws/r/3D5I —Much as I LOVE Excel, nice to know intuition rules!
Send a Doctor
- Do I have Excel…that’s like asking as doctor if she has a stethoscope
- Sounds like you need an excel spreadsheet. And some meds.
- Long weekend in front of Excel and now getting sick. Not a good time thus far. Spreadsheet and I are tied 3-3. In extra time now.
- Trying to concentrate on an Excel workbook while doped on muscle relaxants can be tedious.
Excel Wizards
- The problem I keep running into is people in the office think I am a wizard on the PC, but I know nothing about Excel.
- OMG our VP of measurement is an excel GURU. Never thought I’d sit here so blown away in from of an excel spreadsheet!
- why do i have to be the Excel wiz-kid at work… ugh they got me formulating spread sheets and everything!
Making the Big Bucks
- Why do CFOs love Excel & hate CRM? Liking the ‘salespeople lie at different rates’ comment. http://bit.ly/7Upoxg #in
- Things I explained to the CFO in the last 10 minutes: how excel works; how the phones work. You can tell who’s making the big bucks.
- I’ll neva understand how some1 can have such a high position in a company & can’t even perform BASIC operations on an Excel spreadsheet
- Sent an excel workbook out and raised my voice to my line manager. That’s enough work for a Friday.