Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100213

The 2010 Winter Olympics started here in Canada yesterday, and apparently the NBC Olympics website will help you cover up your sports watching with an Excel worksheet, if you click the Boss button. I can’t confirm that, because the videos are only available to viewers in the USA.

And tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so maybe you can find an Excel shortcut to someone’s heart too. It might be cheaper than jewellery!

  • Only now noticed Excel 2007 doesn’t have shortcuts for super- and subscripts, making it even more suitable for just making grocery lists.
  • That’s a lesson for you! Never forget: Excel is not your friend. It only pretends to be to lull you into a false sense of security
  • playing Deal or No Deal in excel.. its fantastic.. onething missing is.. those beautiful gals.. 🙂
  • actually just chastised my coworker for not being able to format an excel spreadsheet because "what if I died?!"
  • Very interesting. @michaeltejedor mentions there are 7 diff types of excel users. I need to ask him to outline later #vanpassbi #sqlpass
  • I cannot name this module #SlapChop despite the joy it would bring me. Perfect name for an Excel mashing library though
  • Spreadsheets are FUN! Bill Gates needs to make an RIP shirt for Excel, because I am murdering it right now.
  • OMG that transition from Excel to Word is such a pain.Took more than 1 hour of stupid editing. Just copy-paste the damn thing AS IS, gees.
  • I wish Tom O would find a excel shortcut right to my heart
  • There are 2 controller types: those who control the company and those who just produce Excel sheets
  • All computers will be automatically scanned and Excel replaced with Quake.
  • Omg I’ve no calculator and I need to use excel to do the calculations! Quick someone help me!! /:
  • Dear Excel-I didn’t mean it when I hit delete sheet on my 28 PAGE SPREADSHEET! Please bring it back!
  • Dear Microsoft, If you aren’t going to tell me where in my vast Excel spreadsheet there is an incompatibility, why the F point it out?!?
  • i wish there was a way to export #google search results into an excel spreadsheet.
  • I just solved someone’s Excel problem..hell must have just frozen over. Time for a pre weekend work drink in celebration i think!
  • I spend so much time working in Microsoft Excel that the dudes at work call me Fill Columns. #petergabriel
  • We made a pivot table for a customer about what was wrong that came out as a middle finger. We left it to make a point #u30pro
  • The NBCOlympics.com video player has a boss button that shows an empty Windows desktop with an empty Excel window.

Fill Columns

I liked that Fill Columns joke, so here’s Phil Collins singing Don’t Lose My Number. That seems appropriate for an Excel-related post. By the way, has anyone ever seen Excel MVP Nick Hodge and Phil Collins at the same time?


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