Excel Twitters 20100324
Trains full of men working on Excel at 5 AM? Wow, I’m glad that I don’t have to commute. But maybe they were just calculating how much they’ve spent on comics over the years.
- It took me 2 hours to make one gantt chart in excel. Something here really needs to change.
- Which plonker had the bright idea to use Excel as a word processing tool. Excel is for data collection and analysis not for word processing!
- Excel, I hate you and your inability to fix your mistakes and turn things back when you auto-correct something like "1-2" into a date. Grr.
- when you get message "this excel file already exists" you know that you were making the exact same spreadsheet on this exact day last year
- IF formulas in excel are so hard if you are trying to embed another formula into them. GRRR.
- the Strange Journey CD soundtrack is arranged a little weird. Its a data disc with an Excel spreadsheet and a bunch of WAV files.
- Well its already been an exciting day: toilet flooded, coffee stop, commute & now having fun with excel!
- The best way to beat boredom in office.. is to play excel games.. nice & interesting ones.. nobody can block dem. !! π
- I really don’t know how to use Excel for graphs, pie charts don’t work for these figures. I like lemon meringue pie the best π
- RAWR. love how excel likes to think it’s smarter than me by changing my sequence of numbers into scientific notation. not what i wanted foo!
- You would think that a company as big as this would have their inventory on something better than an Excel spreadsheet…
- Making a nice subnetting chart in Excel. w00t! Prof. should be proud; its better than his.
- I always comment my code, dawgs. Even in Excel. Especially in Excel.
- why can’t Excel do as I say..when I say!!!!
- Oh excel for mac you are quite the piece of junk now, aren’t ya??
- A glass of red, some old school RnB and an Excel spreadsheet full of business requirements. Sometimes working late can be fun!
- going to pay a colleague quite a lot of money to finish my expenses. Too much work to do, plus utter loathing of the Excel torture required
- I just created an excel spreadsheet to calculated my GPA, and it turns out that I can get strait Cs and still keep my scholarship.
- My wife did the math in Excel. I’ve spent $22,100 on comics in my life. That’s $1,527 per collecting year. I’m ok with that.
- It’s barely 5am and already this train is full of MEN doing BUSINESS. There’s barely a table where an Excel spreadsheet isn’t being examined
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