Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110103

image Over the weekend, people used Excel to wrap up 2010, and get ready for 2011. The bravest ones helped their family members too! Maybe we’ll all have assistants next year, or some beer, to make the work easier.

  • Cracked a beer & an Excel spreadsheet. It’s time to budget for 2011! Yep, another wild Saturday night for me.
  • Zero motivation to do this Excel work. *yawns*
  • The longer I work on this spreadsheet the more baffled I get. Spreadsheet, why have you turned against me?
  • *sigh* This spreadsheet is work, but it makes me feel useful. #PLProject
  • Think tomorrow i’m going to start to organize some of these upcoming projects into a spreadsheet since they all won’t shut up 🙂
  • the textbook didn’t explain anything about Pivot Table! >:/
  • I’ve done more work on this very complex, cacophonous excel spreadsheet that details my future plans than i have at work in 6 months.
  • only day that I concentrate on an excel spreadsheet (with my bowl picks). Thought you would appreciate. Happy new year.
  • Next is the fun task of entering it all into a spreadsheet. How daunting
  • Nothing screams "it’s a Sunday fun day" more than cracking out the Excel spreadsheet for a bit of Type A personality cataloguing.
  • Using Excel makes me feel importent and perplexed
  • it never ceases to amaze me what my Mom can do to a spreadsheet and then have no recollection of how it got that way #techsupport4life
  • Doin’ some of Papa’s Excel work for him. He only slept for three hours today. He was up all night doing this. =(
  • Putting 2011 stuff into its own Excel Workbook time
  • I just got REALLY excited at an Excel shortcut I (accidentally) learned. Hey you would too if it made you work faster!
  • Helping the missus with an Excel problem, got it working, she accidentally lost it in a crash, and now the same formula give v. diff results
  • I need an assistant to do all my excel work on computer for me im not that high up to totem pole yet though lol
  • Why did i ever think conditional formatting in an Excel spreadsheet was a GOOD idea?? [shoots Excel]


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