Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110311

thundercats Thundercats used to be popular at our house, but I never connected it with Excel. Twilight Zone, however, sounds like some shared spreadsheets that I’ve seen.

  • Forgot to tag that with #excel , the Devil’s software. Or does #access hold that title?
  • Dear clients: No, Excel can’t convert Photoshop graphics into live charts.
  • I think i finally figured out how to use a pivot table in excel. scratch that off my bucket list.
  • I’ve been using #microsoft #Excel 2007/2010 for at least 2 years. I still haven’t bought into whether it’s an improvement. frustrated.
  • I am now having a migraine after solving an excel problem after 1 hour…
  • Playing with Visual Basic. How on earth do you learn all these codes??? #microsoft #excel #visualbasic
  • Every year I learn a little bit more about Excel’s pivot tables.Contrary to what you might expect, that’s a good thing.
  • 7 hours in front of an Excel workbook, I feel strangely out-of-body, and emotional
  • Group editing a spreadsheet. #notwinning
  • the only reason why i went to comp sci today was because we are learning all about #excel #weirdobsession
  • Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight. Oh, and some extra Excel-fu #thundercats #Excel
  • Do you think there’s a job out there called ‘Pivot table creator’? I think I would enjoy that.
  • Spent all morning fixing microsoft excel shared worksheet issues! Seriously stopping me and others from doing their work, fixed now!
  • If I don’t fall sleep in the next 10min, I’m sure I’m gonna get back to my Excel Sheets and work for the next couple hours! #excel=ENDLESS
  • Drawing circles with scatter charts is trickier than it looks. Don’t let your mind wander. Excel will catch you. #excel #in
  • I found myself suggesting an excel spreadsheet and developing a process. Who am I??? #twilightzone
  • sucks when two people are trying to edit the same document at the same time. damn #excel
  • just filled in a excel spreadsheet.. i feel sad, nauseous, confused, gobsmacked.. it cant be surely not… ?
  • Why spend the day shopping when you know you’d rather be enjoying the delights of an excel spreadsheet?
  • I finally opened #Excel to start my spread sheet after much procrastination, now i’m on #twitter again 😛


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