Excel Twitter 20110329
Good question – what is your definition of an Excel ninja? The ability to turn spreadsheets lilac? Doing inventory work while drinking beer?
- Spending a day in excel doing inventory work for clients isn’t that bad when you’re sitting in the sun with a beer! #mondayjoy
- i swear. since when does 11-20 automatically mean 1st of november 2020. and why the hell would i be making a spreadsheet about the future!?
- In Excel, you can’t unhide multiple worksheets at once. That’s dumb.
- Laundry & excel spreadsheets….my life is so glamorous. #sarcasm
- Microsoft Excel you are the bane of my existence! A pivot table seemed like a good idea at the time…
- In honor of me figuring out this Excel Pivot table I will do a line of fries from mcdonalds.
- I really admire someone that applies their love of comic sans to excel files.
- I am falling out with excel at a rapid speed. My spreadsheet has turned lilac. #clientslovelilac right?!?
- More than a little annoyed that days of work will go to waste because Excel is stupid. (R has a ridiculous learning curve – will work on it)
- I’m entering important tweets in an excel spreadsheet to keep track, including troll tweets. Historians will pay a fortune for it 🙂
- Typed in following search on Bing site:linkedin.com "excel ninja" -dir what is ur def of excel ninja? Pivot tables, macros, vba programming?
- At work. Stupid reports. My battle with Excel and predicting when it will crashes begins. Bets anyone? Times?
- Just got emailed an 8 page Excel spreadsheet for the wedding I’m in. DANG.
- Excel, why do you think there are a MILLION rows of data here when there are clearly only 10? Don’t make me hate you. #work
- What kind of Corp Rep project doesn’t require you to submit an excel sheet? This is a joke, seriously.
- I was not born for spreadsheet hell, I know that much #excel
- I’m playing VAT Reconciliation Warrior 12: The Pivot Table. I’m a level 23 accounting warlock in the Excel Circle.
- I still haven’t finished this stupid excel workbook. Mainly because it’s stupid and I’m uninterested in it.
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